The Panel does not mention the fact that Judges HIgginbotham and Stewart were on the panel for the 2017 appeal against Wells...
If you notice, all the arguments re acceleration are based on post 2008 financial crisis opinions by the corrupt Fifth Circuit judges.
The scope of judicial immunity in the Eleventh Circuit is now made clear. Judicial immunity is complete, unqualified, and without exception.
Kim Naimoli v Ocwen Loan Servicing, now PHH Mortgage Corporation receives response from CFPB at request of Second Circuit Panel on Appeal.
Ocwens' Consent Judgment had two sets of obligations: complying with federal and state law, and complying with the fencing-in provisions.
Even under a traditional res judicata approach, Marra appropriately considered the terms of the Consent Judgment. CFPB’s claims are barred.
Judge Marra's analysis of the res judicata effect of the Consent Judgment using traditional principles shows that method is inappropriate.
Chief Judge Bill Pryor along with Judges Bert Jordan and Britt Grant stiff the homeowner on appeal claiming he waived his arguments.
An affidavit from Elizabeth A. Ostermann, the Vice President of Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC failed to convince appellate judges in NY.
This court is constrained to issue writs of mandamus only in situations that amount to a clear abuse of judicial power or...
Hell Yeah, Judge Hughes replies. If I cannot get out to conduct the foreclosure auction myself, the least I can do is...
Galloway law firm attorney fees at a rate of $250-275 per hour is much higher than the $215 charged by other foreclosure...
Defense counsel agreed if Plaintiff wanted to take the deposition. Plaintiff said no to that offer and must now face the consequences.
U.S. Bank, N.A. are ordered to submit a new proposed order of foreclosure of Bates property with briefing within 30 days for...
Foreclosure mill lawyers Mackie Wolf excuse conferring with the pro se litigants as 'not necessary'. That is contrary to the confer rule.
Pandemic-related Mortgage Forebearance Request by Meher Wanker ends this foreclosure dispute with JPMorgan and Bayview (servicer) for now.
Former Homeowners Evicted in June 2021 return to the Home in August and claim their rights to stay in the residence due...
Foreclosure Fee Scheme 2021: That said, there does not appear to be an affidavit in support of Attorney Fees from the Lawyers...