A former Seguin ISD superintendent, looking to keep the details of a sexual harassment case against him private, has suffered another legal...
Citizens Beware; the importance of this unlawful majority Texas Supreme Court opinion is a very stark warning of how Government will control...
The trial court cannot insert its own views regarding the facts or the motivations of the parties but must review the motion...
One Word. Transparency. That's lacking in the Judicial branches at both state and federal levels nationwide and it's time for change.
We're tracking this legal malpractice case at the Fifth Circuit COA in Dallas (State Court) about a botched $62m commercial foreclosure shortly...
Mr Cooper, a Texas based loan servicing company that once promised more than 1,600 Oregon jobs in exchange for a $900,000 public...
McClellan “doesn’t understand the laws of New Jersey with respect to a medical malpractice case, doesn’t understand he’s practicing law in New...
Morgan voluntarily liquidated certain assets to generate funds for collection by the receiver. And last week, the court approved the receiver’s plan...
“Why does the government have to go after the citizen? There’s something terribly wrong with that,” Connor said. “This is the entire...
THE JUDICIAL OATH: “In sum, the Committee advises that formal affiliation with the ACS [American Constitution Society] or the Federalist Society, whether...
MERS, as nominee for Realty Mortgage Corporation, assigned the Deed of Trust to US Bank, as trustee for Morgan Stanley Mortgage Loan...
JPMorgan Chase’s record profits were joined by Morgan Stanley, which also reported both record profits and record revenues for 2019, sending its...
Texas Attorney Green, a Republican, who has said he considers the IRS a “criminal organization.” Green also has compared the U.S. government...
Just under 2,000 complaints against Texas Judges and nearly all are dismissed. That's not a good statistic.
Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago report that in Illinois hospital visits associated with homelessness have tripled since 2011.
Texas Lawmakers passed a bill earlier this year requiring the agency to be more transparent, but Gov. Greg Abbott vetoed the measure,...
Hecht: The framers of the Constitution mistrusted the power of government, so they divided it among three Branches, intending them to be...
Houston Capital Murder Case: Dane Schiller told the newspaper that “defense lawyers are once again lying to the public and potential jurors...