William P. Ramey III is now facing a civil lawsuit along with his law firm in this sexual assault civil action before...
The $30 million Harris County COVID-19 Relief Fund was distributed in two phases, but the information on exactly who got the money,...
Our blog at LIT has grown so fast, it started creaking under the strain. So we've been busy moving our website and...
By acting as both the Gilkes’ legal counsel in the foreclosure action and as counsel for RESG Inc., Payne engaged in a...
The court dismissed the complaint for lack of subject matter jurisdiction, concluding Danos’s claims were barred by sovereign immunity.
In the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, fairness requires that a litigant have the opportunity to be heard before a...
An individual badge of fraud is not conclusive, but a concurrence of many badges in the same case will always make out...
The bank foreclosed on this Texas homeowner and was granted judgment of possession in the eviction case post-foreclosure, but then rescinded.
Virginia lawyer Scott Lehman is facing state bar complaint he tried to get a jailed client to have a threesome with him...
If citizens accept this illegal behavior by judges on the bench then change will not happen and your civil rights will be...
On July 6, 2020, Richard Otto Habermann agreed to a five-year partially probated suspension, 6 months active, remainder probated.
A Motion for extraordinary relief, respectfully asking for answers to the pending motions before this honorable court.
Magistrate Judge Harjani did not take into account the Hot Potato Doctrine which does not protect the Goodwin Procter lawyers violations.
The jury heard that Fields fraudulently obtained $3,097,974.19 in tax refunds from the IRS and kept approximately $1,302,271.75 for himself.
Oportun Inc. filed more lawsuits than any other personal loan company and was the second-most litigious company overall during the pandemic.
VOL. 2: ETHICS AND JUDICIAL CONDUCT; Ch. 3: Rules for Judicial-Conduct and Judicial-Disability Proceedings
By 2007, right before the latest crash, banks and financial institutions had 40% of corporate profits, far beyond anything in the past.
The Hot Potato Rule is a serious matter and Goodwin Law and their attorneys Tom Hefferon, Matt Sheldon et al should have...