Because the sentencing judge seems immovable from his views of the sentence he imposed, and because the judge displayed bias against the...
Outrage ensures Former New York Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver will be sent back to prison — just days after being allowed back...
Feds Spying Tricks. A vehicle forensics kit can reveal where you’ve driven, what doors you opened and who your friends are.
Federal magistrate judge, Jean Rosenbluth, has ruled that Faraday Future waived attorney-client privilege regarding employment agreement.
What you are about to read is a mere snippet of abuse of elders in relation to their appeal(s) at the Court...
The courts are closed in Texas if you are a citizen who is looking for unsealed documents not uploaded to PACER in...
Elder abuse is a serious crime against some of our nation’s most vulnerable citizens, affecting 10 percent or more of older Americans...
State law is well equipped to handle disputes involving corporate property rights say US Supreme Court, rejecting federal common lawmaking.
What’s interesting here is Stanley Price complained about lower court Judge Vance, who was succeeded, albeit temporarily, by Judge Engelhardt who sat...
While technically true due to the recent acquisition and merger of Ocwen Loan Servicing and PHH Mortgage, it was OLS who purchased...
Greenberg, a former State Bar Association president, is counsel to the state’s Commission on Judicial Nomination, which screens Court of Appeals finalists....
The State Bar of California Is Not Effectively Managing Its System for Investigating and Disciplining Attorneys Who Abuse the Public Trust
RFC reached settlements totaling approximately $9 billion, with the RMBS Trusts and several of the Monoline Insurers re packaged Toxic Loans.
It is not an ethics violation for a judge to make reasonable accommodations to ensure pro se litigants have their matters fairly...
Fifth Circuit Dallas directs the trial court to enter an order granting relators motion to designate Ken Paxton as a responsible third...
Failure to follow rule 76a jeopardizes the concepts of open courts and public access, wastes valuable judicial resources, and lets parties hide...
Bear Stearns was an investment bank located in New York City that collapsed during the subprime mortgage crisis in 2008.
After looking to avoid being plastered all over the internet, David Schwager's sex hook up with a prostitute achieved national attention.