AG Bill Barr; More recently, the Dodd-Frank Act’s creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Branch, a single-headed independent agency that functions like...
In total, Deutsche Bank and FTN have agreed to pay a total of $29.5 million into a settlement fund.
We would also mention the recent US Supreme Court Grant; SELIA LAW v. CFPB case 19-7, as particular to our case. The...
Yesterday, 13th of November, 2019 was the start of President Donald Trumps' impeachment. However, there was other dastardly deeds being done in...
ATTORNEY as a WITNESS: Plaintiffs seek the same remedy as in the Landmark Graphics opinion, where the district court confirmed that a...
Jerry E. Smith made several controversial statements, such as referring to the International Women’s Year Conference as a “gaggle of outcasts, misfits...
US Supreme Court 5th Circuit Orders and Grants for 5th Cir. and Other Notable Cases from Other Circuits (November 12, 2019)
The CFPB alleges that the Mortgage Law Group (TMLG) and Consumer First Legal Group (CFLG) took in over $19.2 million in fees...
Judge Kyle Duncan is a member of the Federalist Society and also the Knights of Columbus, an international organization of nearly 2...
In September 2016, Andrew Oldham testified before the Texas House Select Committee on State and Federal Power and Responsibility. In discussing Governor...
Judge Kurt Engelhardt: I joined the New Orleans Chapter of the Federalist Society after talking with a few of my new judicial...
A federal court should only declare a statute enacted by Congress unconstitutional if it violates a provision clearly set forth in the...
Judge Gregg Costa: A judge should keep an open mind about the issues in a case; and maintain a sense of humility...
Judge Don Willett: It is never appropriate for lower courts to depart from controlling Supreme Court precedent. If confirmed, I will follow...
On October 15th, 2019, a visionary District Court judge in New York has stayed a case against a collection law firm that...
On Nov. 5th, 2019 the Second Circuit entered an order adjourning the oral argument that was set for November 21, 2019. The...
On Monday, 28th October, the Fifth Circuit Denied the Homeowners Motion to Stay care of an order by single Judge Patrick (no...
On Friday, 25th October, the Eleventh Circuit Denied the Intervenors Motion to Stay care of an order by single Judge Beverly B....