Alabama and Georgia Associations of Realtors sued the govt over right to evict tenants and the national association is picking up the... Lift the Eviction Stay By Alabama Realtors Should be Denied with Sanctions. Do Not Sell Out the People Again for Greed...
Judge Friedrich made headlines for dating Kavanaugh. It just goes to show your appellate peers can see you've made another wrong choice.
Motion to seal confidential settlement denied by judge. Charlie Walk sued his ex-lawyer Marc Kasowitz alleging legal malpractice.
This court unlawfully denied the Burkes access to court documents. Both sets of counsel conspired with the Court and committed perjury, repeatedly.
All rights, not specifically delegated to the government, remained with the people–including the common-law provisions of private property.
There's a long list of amici backing AFPF, which is not surprising as these legal non-profits are representing the billionaires who effectively...
We live in a violent land according to Proposition 8 Legal Defense Fund. That should be sufficient for a complete exemption for...
Pacific Legal's CEO is revealed by LIT as being a traitor to the American people under the guise of a falsely branded...
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) issued a moratorium on evictions but after aggressive lobbying by the real estate industry, its ending.
Billionaire Koch, Wall St and the U.S. Government Want Your Residential Homes. Citizens, Don't Let Them Take Your Homes for Pure Greed.
The one percenters: Billionaires, lawyers, academics, politicians are all in the money game. Because money decides who wins in America, not the...
Citizens: Wall Street Wants Your Residential Homes. Only you, homeowners, renters and citizens can prevent it from becoming a dark reality.
President Biden’s executive action is to reinvigorate the federal government’s role in advancing access to justice.
This court unlawfully denied the Burkes access to court documents. Both sets of counsel conspired with the Court and committed perjury, repeatedly.
October 2016: Genworth agreed to be acquired by China Oceanwide Holdings Group Ltd., a private financial holding company based in Beijing.
Iowa Judge to Texas lawyer Dean: I’m so frustrated to get my head around why someone would draft something to the court...that...
No matter what Lin Woods' state of mental health is, there is a blind draw system which federal courts claim to operate,...