The document Fudge filed to spur the court of inquiry clearly noted that Gossom broke the law because he executed false affidavits...
Uncorrected, the 5th circuit panel opinion will substantially undermine receivership courts ability to protect estate property in this circuit, presenting an issue...
Courts have long recognized an inherent authority to disbar attorneys. When acting under an inherent power to disbar an attorney, a district court...
The CFPB has 1,600 staff and the majority of those are lawyers. The Annual Payroll is around $250,000,000. They need to be...
Texas Chief Justice Nathan Hechts' ethics case, which went on for over 8 years was eventually overturned in favor of Hecht. Now...
Ultimately, our vision for Ocwen is to be a leading mortgage servicer with a core competency in loss mitigation that creates positive...
The GAO’s report shows that HUD had no rules in place to ensure that the sales would help homeowners, and in fact,...
Thanks to Judge Jim Ho, @JusticeWillett, and moderator Connie Pfeiffer for a great presentation at our monthly section meeting! Today was also...
Among other things, it said the judge stopped being an impartial fact finder and started acting as an advocate for terminating the...
Despite your colleague, Mr Mateer's wonderful legal history and lessons about the separation of State and Federal functions when corresponding with the...
The consumer bureau, as well as fellow financial regulators like the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Office of the Comptroller of...
Leon Cooperman founded Omega in 1991 after 25 years at Goldman Sachs. As of Oct. 31, 2018, the firm had $3.3 billion...
Leon Lee Cooperman of Omega Advisors: You know, it is very frustrating in terms of the amount of money you've spent on...
JPMorgan invests in spinning stories using machine learning and artificial intelligence. Once upon a time, they relied upon the Court of Appeals...
Deutsche Bank - Q2 Earnings: The Mountain Just Got Bigger. 2Q earnings were greeted with another 5% share price fall. Quarterly results...
Senate Democrats fiercely opposed Mnuchin's and Otting’s nominations to the Trump administration, dubbing Mnuchin the “Foreclosure King.” Both defended their track record...
Chase plans to screw its credit card holders next week. Here’s how to stop them from screwing you. The Supreme Court gave...
President Donald Trump, with the help of Mitch McConnell, has made a big push during his presidency to fill judicial roles, especially...