The State of the Texas Judiciary. LIT suggests the internet and social media has provided citizens access to uncover judicial corruption.
FDIC, having transferred all of IndyMac’s assets to OneWest in 2009, no longer had authority to execute the assignment to the trust...
A Court Employee who was to become a deputy Probate Judge Lied and said She Was a Judge. They stole hundreds of...
Deutsche Bank National Trust Company was an unsecured creditor when the banks failed in 2008. Now it's a fraudulent vehicle for the...
LIT believes that the State Bar of Texas knows very well the full circumstances surrounding Jeffrey Gipson. Texas Bar is totally corrupt.
LIT has said this repeatedly. Judicial Immunity has been abused for decades and it is time to reel in these Outlaws in...
LIT Questions how Texas can claim to have access to justice and transparency when lawyers are privately sanctioned for ethics violations.
Goodwin have avoided all the main arguments raised by the pro se Burkes because they have no legal answer, so instead they...
The US Supreme Court is a partisan court which is protecting corrupt judges and supporting the largest theft of citizen's homes in...
Backpage was the largest sex trafficking website in the world. The key to Backpage’s dominance of the sex trafficking market was Salesforce.
LIT remains unconvinced a sitting appellate Chief Judge's opinion would have been reversed so willingly by Texas Supreme Court.
Laurie Parise improperly stole $51,984. New York claim lawyer Laurie Parise accepted responsibility and deserves a second chance.
Thus far, the pandemic has killed hundreds of thousands of Americans, with a total death count of half a million predicted for...
Although the 2006 lien was invalid under the Texas Constitution, Wells Fargo preserved its lien rights through equitable subrogation.
Judge Higginson (9) leads, followed closely by Judges Stewart (8) Southwick (7) Smith, King, Jolly and Costa (6) on foreclosure appeal panels
Pro se Harriet Nicholson's Drop Mic Moment in Texas Federal Court.
It's former King of the Courts, Union Chief Dennis Quirk versus Queen of Corruption and Conflicts from the Bench, Chief Judge Janet...
The discovery protocols are biased in favor of the bank or non-bank and the gag order is in violation of the first...