The former home of Cutler, 4822 Linden St., Bellaire sold Oct 2022. The 4904 Beech St., Bellaire “sale” is going thru for...
In Texas cases, Google is permitted to keep under seal info regarding no. of employees in different locations as well as roles...
A federal appeals court issued a remarkable decision last week finding that Texas judges are exempt from federal subpoenas via immunity.
Albeit, Houston lawyer Erick DeLaRue handed reigns to opposing counsel to file papers in court, as he was going overseas for two...
The label restricted is not found in any rule, local or otherwise on Harris County District Court or upon reading TRCP.
As Houston lawyer Goodrum Steps In for Hall, he asks who brokered Vilt's dismissal of the lawsuit? It certainly wasn't Hall, it...
Donald and Angela Stefanski are facing foreclosure on one of their properties, the question is, are they in a rent-to-own sale right...
Mark responds to Erick with comments in red. If Erick wants to have a conversation, he can add his responses in the...
It's quite ridiculous what lawyers are taking liberties with, purely from a legal standpoint, and getting away with it. Try that as...
And by all accounts Hugh Shannonhouse has also been facing commercial landlord-tenant disputes for non-payment of rent during the Pandemic.
Congress continues to fail homeowners and citizens post 2008, when Wall St stole all affordable homes and prices have soared.
Christian Consultants of Texas is owned by Kevin Pawlowski, an insurance broker. This latest lawsuit is related to another case on LIT.
It's tell a story time by DeLaRue, who submits the complaint without any supporting docs and the story timeline conflicts with public...
It's a double whammy for the Saulney's as they are currently facing a foreclosure sale by their HOA as well, based on...
This lawsuit confirms the absolute disarray of the foreclosure vertical post 2008. Twelve past attempts to foreclosure on this homeowner.
The last time LIT saw Curtis Cole was in February of 2022, when he was represented by Bandit Lawyer Erick DeLaRue. That...
This time it's foreclosure defense lawyer Clay Vilt who's filing suit. The question is, who's he actually representing in this lawsuit?
Is this a rent-to-buy foreclosure filing scam? It may well turn out to be so, as Bandit Lawyer Clay Robert Vilt of...