The Court finds that Wooten has stated a plausible claim that there was an official policy that caused her harm for the...
Suzanne Wooten alleges facts showing that Collin County's Christopher Milner functioned as an investigator rather than a prosecutor.
We're reviewing the cases assigned to Judge King's son, Stephen E. Randall, Texas attorney, by S.D. Texas.
The property is worth far more than than the $20.3 million bid by Schumacher. Appraisals have valued the land at as much...
Senior United States District Judge Royce Lamberth is a native of San Antonio. While his current home is the District of Columbia,...
LIT has seen Judge Lynn Hughes reversed twice at the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in early 2021 and also...
This bias article examines foreclosure case activities in U.S. district courts during the Great Recession and the subsequent recovery period.
Because the sentencing judge seems immovable from his views of the sentence he imposed, and because the judge displayed bias against the...
The courts are closed in Texas if you are a citizen who is looking for unsealed documents not uploaded to PACER in...
State law is well equipped to handle disputes involving corporate property rights say US Supreme Court, rejecting federal common lawmaking.
What’s interesting here is Stanley Price complained about lower court Judge Vance, who was succeeded, albeit temporarily, by Judge Engelhardt who sat...
The State Bar of California Is Not Effectively Managing Its System for Investigating and Disciplining Attorneys Who Abuse the Public Trust
RFC reached settlements totaling approximately $9 billion, with the RMBS Trusts and several of the Monoline Insurers re packaged Toxic Loans.
It is not an ethics violation for a judge to make reasonable accommodations to ensure pro se litigants have their matters fairly...
A Lawyer is "An Officer of the Court", Held to a Higher Standard and Had The All Important IOLTA Accounts and Perceived...
The public has a general right to inspect judicial records and documents. Those wishing to seal judicial records must overcome that obstacle.
This complete Cause of Action codes table is issued by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts.