John Burke was rushed by ambulance to the Memorial Hermann North East (Humble) Hospital and during the day his health deteriorated.
Dark money group the Federalist Society holds itself out to be an educational org. Wrong. It's the right-wing Judicial and Legal Cabal.
This is the second filing by Newark which LIT has come across in Texas Federal Court. The Florida Company was Dissolved in...
New case from Gannon the Cannon, as the first Tuesday of every month foreclosure auctions occur. Bookmark for updates.
Juliana Thurab is a Contract Management Coordinator at Ocwen Financial based in West Palm Beach, Florida. She submitted a perjured affidavit.
TDCA section 392.101 requires 3rd-party debt collectors to obtain a surety bond issued by a surety company authorized to do business in...
In this removed foreclosure case, Bradley represent PNC Bank seeking to foreclosure on the homeowners property in San Antonio, Texas.
S.D. Texas Federal Court Welcomes Jaffer and Associates and the Leaches that represent Shawn Jaffer's law firm, into Chambers.
Newark Law Offices are counsel for Nationwide Judgement Recovery Inc in Texas Federal Court. The Florida Company was Dissolved in 2005.
N.D. Texas Federal Court Welcomes Jaffer and Associates and the Leaches that represent Shawn Jaffer's law firm, into Chambers.
The federal lawsuit continues before Judges Brown and Edison in Galveston, despite the fact Jaffer Law is not registered with the OCCC.
In Texas You can be Sentenced for Murder if You Terminate a Pregnancy, But You'll Be Worshipped If You Operate Above the...
If Texas had enforced registration, reporting and laws, straw men mortgage and credit repair fraud schemes would be caught more quickly.
J. Antonio Caballero was sentenced to 2 years in federal prison and $997k in restitution for mortgage fraud crimes in Texas.
Shellpoint's abuses are documented. Akerman is a foreclosure mill which is known to present incorrect paperwork in foreclosure cases.
The truth is the People do not trust the U.S. Government, full of lawyers and judges who 'run the country' and assert...
The first lawsuit before Judge Biery ended in default judgment because no answer filed by Joyce Gordon. Newark now represents Joyce Gordon.
Judgment Debtor, Stone Strong of Texas, LLC is a limited liability company organized and existing under the laws of the State of...