Benjamin argues that precedent relied on by the district court does not adequately support difference between first class and certified mail.
It's a great country where you can harshly criticize federal judges and nothing bad will happen to you said the 5th Circuit...
U.S. Attorney’s and investigative partners across the country are selectively committed to holding lenders accountable for liar loans.
The Due Process Clause requires recusal whenever there is an unconstitutional “probability” or “potential” for bias. Rippo v. Baker.
It is well settled that federal courts should avoid a statutory interpretation that creates constitutional issues.
Residential Capital (RESCAP) was effectively a U.S. Gov backed lender. They wanted damages post 2008 and have spent 13 plus years litigating.
Included in the lawsuit is Hearst Newspapers, as Houston Chronicle jointly authored the articles which Dr. Bud Frazier claims defamed him.
A federal appeals court issued a remarkable decision last week finding that Texas judges are exempt from federal subpoenas via immunity.
District Judge Xavier Rodriguez cites to Binh Hoa Le v. Exeter Fin. Corp., (5th Cir. 2021) and on appeal, precedent should apply....
Congress continues to fail homeowners and citizens post 2008, when Wall St stole all affordable homes and prices have soared.
Christian Consultants of Texas is owned by Kevin Pawlowski, an insurance broker. This latest lawsuit is related to another case on LIT.
Ms. Allyson Ho, an expert oral advocate and wife of Judge Jim Ho, advised attendees to have detailed knowledge of the panel...
CA3 Appellate Judge Stephanos Bibas clerked for CA5 Senior Judge Patrick Higginbotham, who's weary of the younger judges opinion-writing style
As Chief Justice Marshall colorfully put it, to decline the exercise of jurisdiction is tantamount to treason to the Constitution.
Circuit Judge, Jay Bybee responded in a-typical fashion, we don't provide legal advice or interpret the rules for the concerned public.
Dark money group the Federalist Society holds itself out to be an educational org. Wrong. It's the right-wing Judicial and Legal Cabal.
Y'all won't see a 'Kids for Cash' type ruling in this case as the Fifth Circuit continues to embrace judicial ochlocracy and...
TDCA section 392.101 requires 3rd-party debt collectors to obtain a surety bond issued by a surety company authorized to do business in...