Deutsche Bank National Trust Company was an unsecured creditor when the banks failed in 2008. Now it's a fraudulent vehicle for the...
Will the members of this group advocate for pro se access to electronic filing rights, sealed documents and also basic access to...
If an amicus brief turns out to be unhelpful, the merits panel, after studying the case, will then simply disregard the amicus...
LIT has said this repeatedly. Judicial Immunity has been abused for decades and it is time to reel in these Outlaws in...
Code of Conduct for Law Clerks are legally authoritative and binding on law clerks even after they leave judges’ employment.
Open Courts: "The legitimacy and integrity of a court’s action depend on the public’s ability to scrutinize the basis for that action."
The Fifth Circuit Should Have Dismissed for Lack of Appellate Jurisdiction as Rushmore is not a Party to the Lawsuit in the...
LIT Questions how Texas can claim to have access to justice and transparency when lawyers are privately sanctioned for ethics violations.
ORDER for Initial Pretrial and Scheduling Conference by Telephone. Counsel who filed or removed the action is responsible for placing the call
Goodwin have avoided all the main arguments raised by the pro se Burkes because they have no legal answer, so instead they...
Backpage was the largest sex trafficking website in the world. The key to Backpage’s dominance of the sex trafficking market was Salesforce.
When is a settlement agreement not a settlement agreement? When it involves a foreclosure, a bank and the Fifth Circuit.
Judge Gilstrap has taken on 138 cases since 2011 involving companies in which he had a financial interest, more than any other...
Thus far, the pandemic has killed hundreds of thousands of Americans, with a total death count of half a million predicted for...
A clerk of a federal court performing routine duties such as entering and order and notifying parties does not enjoy an absolute...
Although the 2006 lien was invalid under the Texas Constitution, Wells Fargo preserved its lien rights through equitable subrogation.
Judge Higginson (9) leads, followed closely by Judges Stewart (8) Southwick (7) Smith, King, Jolly and Costa (6) on foreclosure appeal panels
One cannot allow one federal court in the State of Texas to allow pro se to file electronically and another deny all...