Supreme Court Strikes Down Texas-Led Challenge to Mifepristone Access by CA5 3-Panel comprising of Judges Jennifer Elrod, Jim Ho and Wilson.
Maluski’s Erroneous Statute of Limitations Opinion Adopted by Federal Courts, Leading to the Unlawful Taking of Family Homes.
Behind Closed Doors: The Coordinated Efforts of Legal Bandits and Complicit Courts to Deprive Homeowners of Their Rights and Property.
The U.S. government appears to allow unscrupulous bad actors to flip properties rather than returning them to the original homeowners.
Bandit lawyer Dave Medearis came knockin' and presented his petition claimin' Susan Casias was a felon and he'd pursue justice for victims.
Choudri avers that Wyatt has multiple arrests and convictions for high misdemeanors and felonies, even using the alias Jonathan Sanders.
A review of legal procedures in federal court foreclosure proceedings show selective application of the laws and glossed opinions.
Seven years of litigation by the tenants against their landlords in both state and federal court ends in dismissal with prejudice.
Is it New Residential Mortgage Company LLC or New Residential Mortgage LLC? That was the question on appeal. LIT has an equally...
Plaintiff filed the complaint on Dec. 8 and 5 days later the Magistrate dismissed the complaint with prejudice, affirmed by Judge Ada...
This argument does not even pass the test. Rejecting statutory construction that was “so patently absurd as to not pass the red...
The Greatest Theft of Citizens Homes has become an Egregious Vendetta by Lawyers and the Judiciary against one homeowner, Joanna Burke.
NOTICE of Change of Address by U.S. Bank Trust N.A., as Trustee of HOF Grantor Trust 4 by Mark Cronenwett on Jun...
The defaulting homeowners settle with Deutsche Bank, obtaining a free and clear home, with the $1M mortgage time barred from collection.
Rule 11’s safe harbor provisions require a party seeking sanctions to serve the motion on opposing party and then wait 21 days...
Evidence from the Morlock Case Mirrors Joanna Burke’s Situation, Yet the Judiciary Pushes for Unlawful Foreclosure and Litigation Preclusion.
After the 5th Circuit Shorts Out the Appeal in a July 2018 Opinion, the First Legal Attempt to Foreclose in Late 2021...