US District Judge Alfred Homer "Bent" Bennett, S.D. Texas, Houston Division
Greed: The greatest theft of American's homes was decided after the 2008 financial crisis where banks were bailed out and homeowners evicted.
Harris County Texas Title Deed Fraud Alert; It's the Thieves known as Millennia Properties aka Sandy Forsythe, Justina Pasquale and Clay Vilt
Stanley and Stanley... the fake Immigration Lawyers who made over 7,000 applications before Texas caught up with 'em - sharp as ever...
Meanwhile, Ken Paxton and his Senator wife Angela continue to protect Texas lawyers stealin' homes from Texas Citizens by Title Deed fraud.
LIT's Creating Scrapbooks on Texas Senators to Show Why They Cannot Focus on the Criminal Fraud by Fellow Lawyers and Judges in...
Physicians made referrals to critical access hospitals and lab in exchange for kickbacks which were disguised as investment returns.
Is this a title deed fraud case? Houston Lawyer Valerie Jewett certainly thinks its a conspiracy to steal a homestead from the...
LIT takes a very close look at why that German Bank and Straw Man Deutsche Bank is still allowed to con American...
LIT takes a very close look at why Cenlar FSB are still hiring BDF Hopkins as counsel in foreclosure matters in Texas.
The first noticeable fact is that PHH Mortgage Corporation cases have a set list of foreclosure mill counsel with no room for...
LIT takes a very close look at why Lakeview Loan Servicing LLC are still hiring BDF Hopkins as counsel in foreclosure matters...
The IRS claim Realtor Jeffrey Garrett owes in excess of $400k and they want to sell his home in Cypress, Texas to...
No wonder there's no Affidavit by Daspit Law Firm as they enter proceedings pro se. Maybe it explains why they were allegedly...
Jay Rudman: The Court finds that Rudman committed fraud while president of KSPR. In re Chappell (Bankr. S.D. Tex. 2010), Judge Marvin...
Two Bandit Lawyers returning with recently dismissed cases confirms LIT's view that these lawyers are making a mockery of the judiciary.
The label restricted is not found in any rule, local or otherwise on Harris County District Court or upon reading TRCP.
This is a new article. It will be updated frequently. Bookmark as LIT reviews Andrew Lehman, post CFPB settlement.