there are too many downsides to creating these barriers. such as fees for PACER use -If you don’t give effective access to...
I told my son, Never. They ain’t gonna take this house, Roebuck said. I’ll go to the deep blue sea, they’re not...
In Collins, the court was posed the question of whether FHFA’s leadership structure, which is almost identical to the bureau’s, violated the...
OneWest has foreclosed on at least 50,000 people, often in circumstances that consumer advocates say run counter to federal rules and common...
Biden has had substantial leads in the polls among likely Democrat voters, but this is a huge step toward winning over more...
In the lawsuit, Perrilloux is accused of coercing an alleged witness to fabricate testimony in a 2002 capital murder case against Michael...
But attorney-client privilege does not extend to conversations in furtherance of a future crime and attorneys have no immunity from prosecution for...
Trump appointed Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross has been accused of engaging in insider trading whilst a shareholder and board member of Bank...
Shortly after the award, the defendant’s counsel filed an emergency motion for sanctions against the plaintiff under Rule 11 of the Federal...
On Tuesday, the US Supreme Court ignored all Citizens and Tax Payers Petitions and Decided to Hear this One Case, from the...
While Congressional investigators wait for Deutsche Bank to turn over the president's financial records, we examine how the German financial institution came...
Texas Pastor Keahey and his wife, who once taught elementary school, were going through financial difficulties prior to their deaths. The home...
The FBI and DOJ Press Release Indicting 4 People with Mortgage Fraud. The Bankers All Escaped any Internment post 2008 and indeed...
Unbeknownst to Law Funder, Munoz had a close professional relationship with Judge Jesus Contreras, who was presiding over the Garcia divorce: Munoz...
First and most importantly, your letter fails to recognize that Texas is not a subdivision of the federal government or a private...
Texas courts did not grant one homeowner the right to the American dream- they found for the bank every single time.Counter to...
The Fifth Circuit declined to broaden the exceptions to the Texas rule of attorney immunity with respect to liability to non-clients in...
Section 1024.41 of the Code of Federal Regulations describes the procedures that mortgage servicers must follow when processing loss mitigation applications. Does...