We are mindful that district court judges are often faced with a myriad of excuses from prospective jurors who wish to avoid...
Those federal disclosures tell you a lot about Texas Lawmaker Sen. Royce West — that he has made millions of dollars in...
Every year, churches in the SBC collectively raise about $11 billion — revenues that put them on par with a mid-tier Fortune...
The lack of any cases of controlling authority or a consensus of cases of persuasive authority on the constitutional question compels the...
More than 100 Jewish attorneys and four religious organizations have filed an amicus brief siding with a death-row inmate who’s seeking a...
The controversial Harris County Bail system pitted poor people against the justice system and has been subject to a lawsuit since 2016....
40 Texas Lawyers and Judges Disciplined on September List of Disciplinary Actions by the State Bar of Texas and published in the...
ISIS fanatic Khan admitted in his plea that he’d told Garcia via Facebook that he wanted to join ISIS. A few weeks...
In the words of CFPB Director Richard Cordray, These wolves in sheep’s clothing [lawyers] take money from consumers who are already struggling...
Our lawsuit asserts that consumers were harassed, threatened, and deceived as part of a reprehensible scheme to collect debt that was not...
The CFPB filed a proposed court order requiring Ocwen Financial Corporation to provide $2 billion in principal reduction to underwater borrowers. CFPB,...
After the war, Allied authorities determined that Deutsche Bank had not only actively supported the Nazi regime but had also maintained close...
According to one former Justice Department official, in 1991, when Attorney General William Barr first led the Justice Department, the government only...
Terri Burke, executive director of the ACLU of Texas, said Ogg’s actions were cause for serious concern. - Rather than work collaboratively...
The US military is conducting wide area surveillance tests across six midwest states using experimental high-altitude balloons, documents filed with the Federal Communications Commission...
Texas Governor Gregg Abbott retweeted a photograph of a car crash and implied that a homeless person caused it by running into...
The $16m settlement includes a penalty of $10.8m, interest of $2.4m and a $3m civil penalty. The settlement is less than those...
Trump’s company has taken out about $364 million in loans from Deutsche Bank since 2012, according to public filings. The loans included...