The Burkes finally obtain a reply from the Virginia State Bar, after sending an open letter to the Senate Committee but the...
American Bar Association President Judy Perry Martinez incited rebellion at the House of Delegates at the 2020 ABA Midyear Meeting in Austin,...
Who actually goes out and votes for judges? said Hawley. It’s conservative Catholics, conservative Jews, evangelicals, Mormons. That coalition of folks is...
NY Judge: Correia’s reliance on an out-of-circuit case, United States v. Hankins (5th Cir.), for the proposition that a client’s communication of...
These results are highly relevant in today’s climate Diamond said. There are huge, long-term harms of foreclosure that have not been on...
In enacting the Texas Tort Claims Act the legislature waived sovereign immunity in limited circumstances involving the use of publicly owned automobiles,...
As the Burkes have been “blanked” in unison by the judiciary and various state bars, we believe that our civil and constitutional...
Wretchedly, that makes Judge Liz Branch another impartial and bias judge. There is no way it can be interpreted in any other...
Lawyers at Freshfields decided to hijack the search recruiting consultancy (ESA) introduction of Attorney Klingsberg to unfairly deprive ESA of its fee....
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is a Bankers Institution and to call itself a Consumer Watchdog Agency is literally fraud upon...
Tony Alexis left the Bureau in 2017 to work for opposing counsel but the CFPB kept him on their certificate of interested...
Buried: In this case, the convicted felon lawyer has consented - how noble - to a conveniently backdated suspension. He is not...
On mobster Bill Barr's recommendation, the dismissal of a federal prosecutor investigating matters about President Trump is both shocking and unsurprising.
Justice John Roberts is fed up with Donald Trump’s disrespect for the rule of law. Now he’s standing up for the role...
Jay Clayton counted Deutsche Bank as a client and defended them in a massive Russian money-laundering scandal including investigations into Deutsche Bank.
This complaint is against an attorney registered with the Florida State Bar. The lawyers’ name is Catalina Azuero and she works for...
This is a GOOD case example where the Florida Supreme Court issued an opinion in an underlying case and sent the case...
An attorney who fails to observe his obligation of undivided loyalty to his client injures his profession and demeans it in the...