Or should the title say...with Immunity... That's Texas Law for Bandit Texas Lawyers. See the Proof in LIT's analysis of March 2021's...
Ultimately, the people - the homeowners - over 10 million - would be sacrificed and not a single Wall St. Banker went...
The Judicial Council has an opportunity to correct not only a manifest injustice, but perversion of justice. It should do so and...
U.S. District Judge Alison J. Nathan said that the actions of the Manhattan U.S. Attorney's Office had eroded public trust in the...
The court concluded it was an unconscionable scheme calculated to interfere with the judicial system’s ability impartially to adjudicate this matter by...
The Federal Judiciary has asked Congress for $8.12 billion to fund judicial branch operations for fiscal year 2022. This should be rejected.
Not only was Judge Keough DWI, he was not wearing his seat belt and did not apply the brakes until less than...
The failure to consider objective standards requiring judicial recusal is not consistent with the imperatives of due process.
In September 2020, Former Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen is under federal investigation by the Justice Department for allegedly spending campaign wads of cash...
The Insiders, a 1999 Movie Claimed Big Tobacco Never Loses in Court despite Killing Millions of Smokers. It's Now 2021 and the...
Upon her retirement in 2019, Judge Maryanne Trump Barry acquired immunity from any illegal activities in which she is alleged to have...
Judge Carl Stewart claimed at Oral Argument that he doesn't claim to be an expert in this Texas foreclosure procedure - at...
Nashua Circuit Court Judge Julie Introcaso faces criminal charges of falsifying physical evidence, tampering with public records and an unsworn falsification.
D.C. Circuit Judge Karen Henderson Shuts Down Attorney Larry Klayman During Oral Argument re D.C. Bar Ethics Issues.
Imagine the nightmare of being interrogated until you admit guilt for a crime you didn’t commit. Believe it or not, the problem...
Corruption in Our Courts: What It Looks Like and Where It Is Hidden is a paper which confirms judicial bribery is a...
The Government’s burden to prove falsity in the face of an ambiguous reporting requirement is a matter of first impression in this...
Correia’s lawyer, William Harrington of Goodwin Procter LLP had argued that his client should be spared prison time because he took less...