MD Anderson contends that Plaintiff engaged in self-help discovery by unlawfully taking the Reports in order to use them against MD Anderson.
Questioning the Impartiality and Judicial Temperament: Court of Appeals Unravels Controversial Contempt Finding against Attorney by Judge
CMH and Vanderbilt intended to release the debts of home owners in order to nullify, or even conceal the fraudulent conduct of...
Texas attorney David Alan Oubre works for biglaw firm Lewis Brisbois and focuses on auto accident lawsuits.
Robert Clayton Vilts' Stop Foreclosure Auction Practice is still motoring along, despite a rap sheet as big as Ken Paxton and Nate...
Restrictin' the original complaint, motions and orders in Harris County District Court is becomin' standard practice for select litigants.
Operating an unregistered CSO is a violation of Chapter 393, Finance Code, and may also be a criminal offense.
The Chane of Investment in LLC's has grown exponentially since 2019, once Judge Alfred H Bennett's spouse ditched BP for real estate.
After taking up LIT's cause to out the rogue debt collection firms and their counsel, lawyer James 'Tony' Foley dismisses Noack.
What was once a free, open source social media platform with organic reach for members is fast becoming a paid advertising platform.
Often seen at Federalist Society gigs, the Old Justice Hecht want to join his new wife, 5th Circus Chief Judge Hecht and...
It is obvious the success Glenn Soileau achieved in graduating from law school and being elected to serve his community as a...
You can submit a statement for the record to We suggest statements be 5 pages or less before March 23, 2023.
The Jet fuel owner and real estate investor, who's house went up in flames in 2019, claims $121k was finched. Lugo says...
The Federal Courts in Houston have Lifetime Appointed Judges who have known about this Property Scam for Many Yrs and Endorsed Theft...
LIT's Creating Scrapbooks on Texas Senators to Show Why They Cannot Focus on the Criminal Fraud by Fellow Lawyers and Judges in...
Stock Ticker Symbol HCA has become one of the most profitable on the stock exchange. A for-profit Hospital network spread nationwide.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good people to do nothing. So don't be inactive. - Alexey...