The Federal Judiciary has asked Congress for $8.12 billion to fund judicial branch operations for fiscal year 2022. This should be rejected.
In the 11-year period that ended Nov. 30, 2017, the District of Columbia Circuit had received 478 complaints of judicial misconduct, 100%...
Corruption in Our Courts: What It Looks Like and Where It Is Hidden is a paper which confirms judicial bribery is a...
Federal Judges don’t work hard enough and they delegate. It’s the clerks who write the opinions and the snr judges work product...
A Superior Judge who was charged with examining Judge DiLeo’s conduct overturned the defendant’s conviction and used the term, perversion of justice...
2021 Most Wanted FL and GA. The Stamp Collection: "Outlaws in Robes." A LIT Series about Federal District Court Judges and Appellate...
2021 Most Wanted in Texas. The Stamp Collection: "Outlaws in Robes." A LIT Series about Federal District Court Judges and Appellate Circuit...
2021 Most Wanted. The Stamp Collection: "Outlaws in Robes." A LIT Series about Federal District Court Judges and Appellate Circuit Judges.
Color of law refers to an appearance of legal power to act that may operate in violation of law. Color of law may include public officials and...
The Supreme Court has repeatedly held that federal courts possess the inherent power to vacate their own judgments upon proof that a...
The process of selecting judges is archaic and the legislation needs to change so the people elect qualified and honest judges to...
A system that relies for investigation solely upon judges themselves risks a kind of undue 'guild favoritism' through inappropriate sympathy with the...
The US Supreme Court has previously held that a plaintiff suffers an injury in fact when the plaintiff fails to obtain information...
Current federal jurisprudence grants judges wide latitude in the exercise of contempt powers, which in turn can lead to dire consequences for...
Unbeknownst to many, federal courts have the power under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure to set aside judgments entered years earlier...
The 3 branches of government certainly don't like citizens voicing their opinions and now the ABA President has decided to join the...
Only seven judges in the last decade have faced formal disciplinary action as a result of the nation's secretive misconduct review process....