Laws In New York

Elder Abuse and the $55,000 Bribe by Supreme Courthouse Director and Lawyer Husband Prosecuted by Manhattan D.A.

Melissa Ringel violated her oath as an official of the court when she brazenly circumvented the rules to assist her lawyer husband, Frank Esposito.

Update: 21 March, 2022

Ex-NY Court Official, Husband Must Face Condo Deal Charges

A former New York state courts director and her lawyer husband can’t escape criminal charges over legal advice that allegedly led an elderly couple to lose their investment in a $3 million penthouse apartment, a Manhattan judge ruled Friday.

D.A. Vance: Former Court Official And Husband Charged With Official Misconduct

JUN 17, 2021 | REPUBLISHED BY LIT: JUN 18, 2021
Ringel and Esposito’s Residence

Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance, Jr., today announced the indictment of MELISSA RINGEL, a former director at the New York State Supreme Court Appellate Division, First Department, and her husband, FRANK ESPOSITO, a private attorney, for their roles in multimillion-dollar real estate transaction, in which RINGEL used her position, without authorization, to advise ESPOSITO’s client’s attorneys on an escrow order unrelated to her official responsibilities.

Their conduct allowed the client to sell the property and pay the $50,000 balance to ESPOSITO’s law firm from the proceeds.

The defendants are charged in a New York State Supreme Court indictment each with one count of Official Misconduct.[1]

“As alleged, Melissa Ringel violated her oath as an official of the court when she brazenly circumvented the rules to assist her husband, Frank Esposito, and his client, during the sale of a multimillion-dollar penthouse near Central Park.”

said District Attorney Vance.

“This conduct erodes the credibility of the profession and undermines principles of fairness and impartiality in our courts.”

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Elder Abuse and the $55,000 Bribe by Supreme Courthouse Director and Lawyer Husband Prosecuted by Manhattan D.A.
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