Carrie Mceachern Gore is 48 years old and was born in October of 1976.
Currently Carrie lives at the address 1020 Claybank Rd, West Jefferson NC 28694.
Carrie has lived at this West Jefferson, NC address for about 2 years, after moving in around October of 2022.
Carrie previously lived at 27314 Farmcreek Dr, Huffman TX 77336 for 3 years, starting in January of 2021.
Going further back, starting in June of 2020, Carrie lived at 25373 Fm 365 Rd, Beaumont TX 77705 for 3 years.
Ancillary Judge Cory Sepolio Grants Disputed TRO and $5k Cash Bond for Three Properties With $50M Debt
The Order is overbroad because it enjoins Defendants from foreclosing for 64 days and violates Rule 680 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure.
— lawsinusa (@lawsinusa) December 2, 2024