Federal Judges

You Will NEVER Deal With ANY Clients As Difficult As “These” [PRO SE] Sayeth Minnesota Federal Bench

It is not an ethics violation for a judge to make reasonable accommodations to ensure pro se litigants have their matters fairly heard.

Secret’s out: Federal judges love lawyers

MAR 16, 2012 | REPUBLISHED BY LIT: APR 30, 2021

U.S. District Court Magistrate Judge Steven Rau used to think judges didn’t like lawyers. Having been on the bench a little over a year, now he knows,

“We love lawyers, particularly good lawyers.”

Rau and U.S. District Court Judge Susan Richard Nelson spoke March 8 at a CLE hosted by Fredrikson & Byron,

“A Discussion with Federal Judges”

The judges agreed that they particularly love lawyers who take pro bono cases where the client would otherwise appear pro se. They are hard cases and hard clients, but the experience is worth it, Rau and Nelson urged.

“It is such an opportunity for young lawyers. You get the red carpet put out for you” because the judges are so glad to see you, Nelson said.

“Just because these cases are uphill battles doesn’t mean you are failing. We are terribly grateful,”

she said.

Rau agreed but warned,

“You will never again deal with clients as difficult as these.”

The judges both praised the Federal Bar Association’s PRO SE PROJECT, which Nelson called “enormously successful.”

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You Will NEVER Deal With ANY Clients As Difficult As “These” [PRO SE] Sayeth Minnesota Federal Bench
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