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Why Would Homeowner Chris Carmona Reject a Jury Trial and Magistrate Judge in Foreclosure Case?

From the Joint Rule 26f report: The parties do not consent to referral to a Magistrate Judge for trial. No jury demand has been made.

Carmona v. Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC


District Court, S.D. Texas

APR 14, 2022 | REPUBLISHED BY LIT: JUL 29, 2022

The judiciary and legal profession circlin’ the wagons again…

LIT thinks he probably is, based on the headline as most pro se’s would want a jury trial, but if we’ve got it wrong, Carmona can call us out. Add to that the fact you’re hiding your name on HCAD, that is a dead giveaway, in our personal opinion.

And if it is Chris Carmona, then it’s most likely it’s the Carmona runnin’ to be a Harris County Judge

Bookmark for updates, we’ve started trackin’ this foreclosure case on Jul 29.

U.S. District Court
CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 4:22-cv-01208

Create an Alert for This Case on RECAP

Carmona v. Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC
Assigned to: Judge Ewing Werlein, Jr

Case in other court:  County Court at Law #1 of Harris County, 1182731

Cause: 28:1332 Diversity-Breach of Contract

Date Filed: 04/14/2022
Jury Demand: None
Nature of Suit: 190 Contract: Other
Jurisdiction: Diversity
Christopher Carmona represented by Christopher Carmona
Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC represented by Gabriella Elise Alonso
Bradley Arant Boult Cummings
600 Travis Street
Suite 4800
Houston, TX 77002
Fax: 713-576-0301
Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP
600 Travis Street
Ste 4800
Houston, TX 77002


Date Filed # Docket Text
04/14/2022 1 NOTICE OF REMOVAL from County Court at Law #1 of Harris County, case number 1182731 (Filing fee $ 402 receipt number ATXSDC-28032001) filed by CARRINGTON MORTGAGE SERVICES, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Civil Cover Sheet)(Gutierrez, Melissa) (Entered: 04/14/2022)
04/15/2022 2 ORDER for Initial Pretrial and Scheduling Conference and Order to Disclose Interested Persons. Initial Conference set for 8/5/2022 at 02:45 PM in Room 11521 before Judge Ewing Werlein, Jr. (Signed by Judge Ewing Werlein, Jr) Parties notified.(BrandisIsom, 4) (Entered: 04/15/2022)
04/15/2022 3 NOTICE to Pro Se Litigant of Case Opening. Party notified, filed. (BrandisIsom, 4) (Entered: 04/15/2022)
05/02/2022 4 CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES by Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC, filed.(Gutierrez, Melissa) (Entered: 05/02/2022)
07/11/2022 5 NOTICE of Appearance by Gabriella E. Alonso on behalf of Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC, filed. (Alonso, Gabriella) (Entered: 07/11/2022)
07/26/2022 6 Unopposed MOTION extension of time for Joint Scheduling Order by Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC, filed. Motion Docket Date 8/16/2022. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order Granting Unopposed Motion Regarding Joint Scheduling Order)(Alonso, Gabriella) (Entered: 07/26/2022)
07/27/2022 7 ORDER Granting 6 Unopposed Motion Regarding Joint Discovery Case Management Plan. The Parties shall submit their Joint Discovery Case Management Plan no later than 7/28/2022.(Signed by Judge Ewing Werlein, Jr) Parties notified.(marflores, 4) (Entered: 07/27/2022)
07/29/2022 8 REPORT of Rule 26(f) Planning Meeting by Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC, filed.(Gutierrez, Melissa) (Entered: 07/29/2022)



PACER Service Center
Transaction Receipt
07/29/2022 16:20:32

U.S. District Court
CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 4:22-cv-01208

Carmona v. Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC
Assigned to: Judge Ewing Werlein, Jr

Case in other court:  County Court at Law #1 of Harris County, 1182731

Cause: 28:1332 Diversity-Breach of Contract

Date Filed: 04/14/2022
Date Terminated: 08/18/2022
Jury Demand: None
Nature of Suit: 190 Contract: Other
Jurisdiction: Diversity


Date Filed # Docket Text
08/05/2022 9 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Ewing Werlein, Jr. RULE 16 SCHEDULING CONFERENCE held on 8/5/2022. Docket Control Order entered. Appearances: Christopher Carmona (Pro Se Plf) and Gabriella Elise Alonso for Dft. Law Clerk: J. Summers (Court Reporter: N. Forrest), filed. (marflores, 4) (Entered: 08/05/2022)
08/05/2022 10 DOCKET CONTROL ORDER. Pltf Expert Witness List due by 11/30/2022. Deft Expert Witness List due by 12/20/2022. Discovery due by 2/28/2023. Dispositive Motion Filing due by 3/1/2023. Non-Dispositive Motion Filing due by 3/1/2023. Joint Pretrial Order due by 5/15/2023. DOCKET CALL set for 6/2/2023 at 04:00 PM in Courtroom 11D before Judge Ewing Werlein, Jr.(Signed by Judge Ewing Werlein, Jr) Parties notified. (marflores, 4) (Entered: 08/05/2022)
08/05/2022 11 ORDER REFERRING CASE TO MAGISTRATE JUDGE FOR MEDIATION OR SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE. All dates in the Rule 16 Scheduling Order are temporarily suspended until the Mediation is concluded. (Signed by Judge Ewing Werlein, Jr) Parties notified. (marflores, 4) (Entered: 08/05/2022)
08/15/2022 12 ORDER Setting Mediation. Settlement Conference set for 8/22/2022 at 10:00 AM in by video before Magistrate Judge Yvonne Y Ho(Signed by Magistrate Judge Yvonne Y Ho) Parties notified.(SamanthaWarda, 4) (Entered: 08/15/2022)
08/17/2022 13 NOTICE of Settlement by Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC, filed. (Alonso, Gabriella) (Entered: 08/17/2022)
08/18/2022 14 ORDER OF DISMISSAL ON SETTLEMENT ANNOUCEMENT. Case terminated on 8/18/2022. (Signed by Judge Ewing Werlein, Jr) Parties notified. (marflores, 4) (Entered: 08/18/2022)

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Why Would Homeowner Chris Carmona Reject a Jury Trial and Magistrate Judge in Foreclosure Case?
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