Deed of Trust

The Department of Justice (DOJ) Just Gave Four Employees Immunity from Prosecution for Breaking the Law.

But as John Solomon of The Hill reports, there is stunning evidence that the DOJ is granting its bureaucratic miscreants immunity from prosecution – even when the Inspector General Michael Horowitz makes a criminal referral.

The Deep State has taken root at the Department of Justice, granting immunity, in effect, to law enforcers who become law-breakers.

Attorney General William Barr already has a very full plate in his task of restoring public confidence in the politicized Department of Justice and FBI, but the problem goes far beyond that particular crew of plotters.

With US Attorney John Durham investigating potential law-breaking involving the Russia Hoax, there is at least some hope for accountability there.

But as John Solomon of The Hill reports, there is stunning evidence that the DoJ is granting its bureaucratic miscreants immunity from prosecution (my words, not Solomon’s) even when the Inspector General Michael Horowitz makes a criminal referral.

These are ordinary law-breakers, not agents of a coup acting politically.

Solomon describes 4 cases of non-prosecution:

One was caught red-handed engaged in nepotism.

Another, a lawyer no less, admitted to shoplifting at a Marine barracks store.

A third leaked sealed court information to the news media.

And a fourth engaged in fraud by turning a government garage into a personal repair shop.

Four cases, all solved in the past month, with suspects who cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars and significant breaches of public trust.

But these weren’t your everyday perps.

All were U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) employees who are supposed to catch other criminals while working for the FBI, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and U.S. attorneys’ offices.

Instead, they broke the law or violated the rules. And all managed to escape prosecution, despite their proven transgressions.

When the law enforcers break the law with impunity, we have a tyranny. Plain and simple.

John Solomon appeared last night on Hannity to discuss his article and the larger questions of the Russia Hoax as well.

It is only a few minutes long and well worth your time.

Update: John Solomon joined Sebastian Gorka on his radio show yesterday and asked the question: would you get away with what these DoJ employees got away with?

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