Ex Texas prosecutor Daniel Rizzo faces a lawyer discipline lawsuit that alleged he withheld exculpatory evidence in the murder case of Alfred...
Sabrina Rose-Smith is a Member of Goodwin's Consumer Finance Litigation practice group, focusing on consumer lending and class action defense.
Houston city officials intentionally destroyed evidence, wiping crucial data from the computer drives of top police commanders that is potentially relevant to...
Judge Tagle’s order notes that the attorney is no longer allowed to practice in the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals because of...
A former Texas Supreme Court justice has joined the legal fight to help ex-death row inmate Alfred Brown get compensation for the...
As long as humans are allowed too much independence without auditing and control, then there will always be those that become bad...
Graves was sentenced to death in 1994 and close to execution twice. The U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals overturned Graves’ conviction...
Rizzo was aware of exculpatory evidence and chose not to produce it to the defense and the court. This evidence ultimately was...
3.04 Fairness in Adjudicatory Proceedings. Rule 3.04(a), which precedes and bolsters Rule 3.09(d), provides that a lawyer shall not unlawfully obstruct another...