The range of possible punishment for Judge Williams ranges from admonishment to a fine to suspension to loss of his law license.
Compare to Enron: This litigation has been over 6 years and the record attests to a long, difficult fight that justifies fees...
Walmart are bringing this lawsuit claiming there is no federal law requiring pharmacists to interfere in the doctor-patient relationship to the degree...
Before the Texas prosecutors could file their case, however, Walmart escalated concerns to high-ranking officials at the DOJ, who then intervened. Brown...
“McDonald stole from the Warren EDA, misused its financial assets, deceived its leadership, withheld necessary information from the Warren EDA, misappropriated Warren...
In 2005, Walmart hired Scalia to defend against whistleblower lawsuits by employees who alleged wrongdoing in the company. Scalia also helped overturn...