Stay tuned for the Gospel according to Texas.
The indictment alleges that Kendall Radley attempted to smuggle two Hondurans illegally into USA, found in trunk of car by border agents.
On investigation, however, there's other real parties in interest lurking in the shadows, Nina Micheaux and Ed Micheaux of Pearland, Texas.
LIT finds it to be implausible that BK Judge Christopher Jaime didn't know the law, instead he willfully distorted the law to...
Questionably, why did Bank of New York allow the HOA to foreclose by default for $700 after they foreclosed on the homeowners...
The goal: To stop foreclosure on land that's worth around $1M, all while the Diangani's navigate bankruptcy for the wife's Dental business.
A court may equitably toll limitations where the complainant has been tricked into allowing the filing deadlines to pass by his adversary.
After a court agreed she stole home at 19226 PINEWOOD MIST LN HUMBLE TX 77346 Christa Burch reneges on legal settlement to...
Jason and Christy Brown face eviction from rental property.
Both Louisiana and Texas Courts found it proper to dismiss both actions involving Yax as Defendant/Plaintiff on personal jurisdiction grounds
Ancillary Judge Payne ain’t interested in the facts, just a quick disposal granting the legal bandit and his bankrupt client a $500...
LIT Investigates RAD Diversified REIT Inc., aka Brandon Dutch Mendenhall and Amy Vaughn's businesses which appear to be in financial stress.
Alexandra Naranjo has been repelling foreclosure since 2011 and court records show that she's achieved this by filing multiple bankruptcies.
BI Holdings LLC requests that this Court issue a TRO and thereafter a Temporary Injunction, to restrain Defendant from selling property.
There's a hive of activity for director Linda Swarzman from Encino, California related to Redfish Property Holdings in Texas.
During his first 3-year bankruptcy to stop foreclosure, pro se George Wigington transitioned into becoming a Texas lawyer.
SCOTUS: We interpret actual fraud to encompass fraudulent conveyance schemes, even when those schemes do not involve a false representation.
Deutsche Bank's Judgment from Harris County District Court in 2017 has expired, even tolling the 7 intervening bankruptcies by Mastroperros.