Homeowner Jeremy Hummels case has just ended with Federal Judge Charles Eskridge dismissal with prejudice, but Filis will take the case.
The U.S. government appears to allow unscrupulous bad actors to flip properties rather than returning them to the original homeowners.
The Fifth Circuit court has been reversed more times at SCOTUS than any other, and SCOTX continues to reject their Erie Guesses.
The defaulting homeowners settle with Deutsche Bank, obtaining a free and clear home, with the $1M mortgage time barred from collection.
At the end of January 2024, US District Judge Charles Eskridge Entered a Judgment of Foreclosure. Bandit Lawyer Clay Vilt Rejects that...
Everybody's moving in this article, from homes to lawyers to law firms as Midfirst Bank ain't feeling the Shelley Hopkins vibe right...
Consumer Protection Conundrum: Unsecured Loan Collectors Accountable to Consumer Protection Laws While Foreclosure Entities Enjoy Immunity.
Bandit Dave said he was hired as a foreclosure defense lawyer to help sell the property: presumably for a suitable fee obtain...
Decedents Louis Michael Albert and Shirley M. Albert were borrowers under the loan agreement in amount of $38,400 which matures in 2026.
Deutsche Bank's Judgment from Harris County District Court in 2017 has expired, even tolling the 7 intervening bankruptcies by Mastroperros.
Discover Josef Lamell's battle against predatory legal tactics: at age 74, he stands against a scheme which has seen many meet untimely...
This is a state case not a federal case as the PNC v. Howard Supreme Court decision affirmed. It has no place...
LIT's ON IT with ONITY as the grave robbers and foreclosure wolves of Texas try again a decade later to foreclose on...
Dorman's case is a matter of public concern and the troubling facts in this case are being investigated by LIT directly, and...
Peeling Back the Layers: Tami Taha's Foreclosure Fraud and Legal Collusion Exposed by LIT's Investigation firmly points to Judicial Deception.
The Clerks at the Southern District Federal Court in Houston willfully and intentionally fail to file Adversary Proceedings on date received.
The Constance case verifies LIT's assertion of gov. interference and conspiracy to corruptly and unlawfully target LIT's founder and his family.
Foreclosure Bounty Hunters Mackie Wolf grew tired of State Court foreclosure and filed again in Federal Court before Outlaw Judge Hughes.