LIT's sat back and watched as DHI's cases are all slowly removed to federal court, but DHI forfeited the right to transact...
Stay tuned for the Gospel according to Texas.
The indictment alleges that Kendall Radley attempted to smuggle two Hondurans illegally into USA, found in trunk of car by border agents.
On investigation, however, there's other real parties in interest lurking in the shadows, Nina Micheaux and Ed Micheaux of Pearland, Texas.
Ori Vaisbort is an Airbnb Super Host who has spoken at private lending meetups about his Airbnb business. OVI is a sole-member...
There's lots of lyin' n' no affidavit from Schlacter on this his third foreclosure LIT's published and his third foreclosure defense counsel.
Questionably, why did Bank of New York allow the HOA to foreclose by default for $700 after they foreclosed on the homeowners...
Michael Harris's return was put on the Houston Rocket Docket re 4707 Schlipf Rd, Katy, TX 77493
While the Court finds no binding precedent on point, it finds multiple decisions from within the Fifth Circuit to be particularly persuasive.
The goal: To stop foreclosure on land that's worth around $1M, all while the Diangani's navigate bankruptcy for the wife's Dental business.
Jeff Jackson argues that Shellpoint is acting in a dual capacity, as mortgagee and mortgage servicer, which ain't allowed in Texas law.
Fifth Circuit Strikes Down Federal Jurisdiction Returning Cantu’s Legal Malpractice Case involving $1.6 Million Judgment to Texas Court.
The case is assigned to Judge Charles Eskridge, who has been allocated oversight of referring new cases to SD Texas Magistrate Judges.
The suit styles Michael Van Deelen as Michael Van Deelan, but the Spring-based Van Deelen fits the personality in the petition.
Harris County Community Development LLC is twenty-four years old, according to public records filed with Texas Secretary of State.
It's the new pack together with former BDF sanctioned lawyer Crystal Gibson and John Gregory for the Wolves of Foreclosure.
And after this case we anticipate another in the name of Amroc Homes LLC, taking into consideration fraudulent conveyances being recorded.
A court may equitably toll limitations where the complainant has been tricked into allowing the filing deadlines to pass by his adversary.