This scam foreclosure case is a prime example of the collusion and fraud between the courts and lawyers on both sides of...
Austin lawyer Mark Hopkins and his spouse, former BDF foreclosure mill lawyer Shelley Hopkins, commit more deception, sanctioned by PHH.
Property at risk: 8130 Blooming Meadow Ln Houston, TX 77016. The foreclosure case would be snap removed by ShapiroSchwartz LLP.
And by all accounts Hugh Shannonhouse has also been facing commercial landlord-tenant disputes for non-payment of rent during the Pandemic.
There's definitely selective court profiling, targeting and abuse of foreclosure litigants. To-date, Henry escapes any judicial warnings.
Abandonment and Issuing Accounting Statements for Less Than the Amount Owed Allow Foreclosure Lawsuits For Life. That's Absurd.
ORDER for Initial Conference set for 8/12/2022 at 02:00 PM in Courtroom 3A Houston before Judge Keith P Ellison.
Here we have Newark Law Offices pitting against Hirsch Westheimer as Deutsche Bank elects to snub BDF Hopkins, despite it's locale to...
A roofer in Florida received 37 months in jail but a Pain Doctor from the upscale Woodlands in Texas settles for $$$....
Fort Myers Businessman Sentenced To Three Years In Federal Prison for PPP Loan Fraud; Bank Fraud; False Statement to a Lending Institution.
Vanie's modest home is under threat of a writ of possession and she's strugglin' to defend the federal court action as a...
Austin Attorney Mark Hopkins arrives in Judge Erza's court of Counsel for Codilis in this local foreclosure in W.D. Tex. federal court.
Ain't it sad that the Federal Judiciary in Texas is even corrupt when it comes to false threats of violence targeted at...
Here, this Judicial Council has an opportunity to correct not only a manifest injustice, but perversion of justice. It should do so...