Deutsche Bank National Trust Company and PHH Mortgage Corporation are seeking an expedited eviction in this Harris County court proceeding.
In US District Judge Joan Ericksen's Order denying disqualification of Magistrate Judge David Schultz, there is no mention of 3M Shares.
Deutsche Bank National Trust Company and PHH Mortgage Services are sued by Jeff and Faith Samuels in Harris County District Court 234.
The blame for the uncertainty regarding GMAC’s - now PHH Ocwen's lien position lies with GMAC. GMAC agents prepared the flawed mortgage...
MN Appoints Judge Who Previously Represented PHH Mortgage. LIT reveals the Minnesota Judiciary's Scandalous Acts enabling Wall St Home Theft.
You will note in the FDIC litigation involving Indymac Bank, Victor Woodworth is listed as Senior Vice President.
You will note in the FDIC litigation involving Indymac Bank, Simon Heyrick is listed as Chief Credit Officer, Enterprise Risk Mgt Committee.
The deep pockets have made an appearance in Rhode Island as PHH Mortgage Corporation retain Locke Lord and 2 other law firms...
Federal law, the RFPA, authorizes US gov to obtain 300 PHH Mortgage loan files without notifying or obtaining the consent of any...
It escaped attention during Porter's rise from law professor to the state’s independent monitor and then to her election to Congress.
U.S. Attorney’s and investigative partners across the country are selectively committed to holding lenders accountable for liar loans.
Mr and Mrs Taylor's Valentine's Foreclosures: 20615 LEAFDALE CT HUMBLE TX 77338 and 10522 LEITRIM WAY HOUSTON TEXAS 77047
And who services the loan, since PHH Mortgage named in the lawsuit, but all mail goin' to US Bank in Coppell, Texas?
The PHH petition should be stricken for failure to separate the exhibits, filed in Harris County District Court, Judge Dawn Rogers presiding.
The first noticeable fact is that PHH Mortgage Corporation cases have a set list of foreclosure mill counsel with no room for...
Rachel Gallegos claims all 3 properties are financed by Velocity Mortgage, but our investigation finds that other parties are involved.
Arbitrator: Lender refused to follow Freddie Mac guidelines to assist homeowners going through a divorce, awarded $2M to homeowners.
If the law and Const. is applied correctly by an impartial judiciary who follow the rule of law it should have no...