Deutsche Bank's Role in Delaying or Even Pursuing Foreclosure Raises Questions of Selective Targeting and Discriminatory Practices.
We performed a detailed history of this case on our micro-blog at DBNTCO.COM. This is malicious theft on a time-barred debt.
Stay tuned as this dramatic saga unfolds during the season of Government cleanup.
Vu Truong returns to HCDC re the same apt at 1901 Post Oak. In our related article, the other entity has always...
Choudri claims violation of superseded judgment.
A claim for fees and sanctions under the TCPA can prevent an appeal from becoming moot, but only if a court has...
Supreme Court Strikes Down Texas-Led Challenge to Mifepristone Access by CA5 3-Panel comprising of Judges Jennifer Elrod, Jim Ho and Wilson.
That differs when you are in Federal Court on Appeal. It didn't stop PHH and Mark Cronenwett from filing for nonjudicial foreclosure.
Behind Closed Doors: The Coordinated Efforts of Legal Bandits and Complicit Courts to Deprive Homeowners of Their Rights and Property.
The Texas Struggle: Defying Northern Banking Giants and Their Bounty Hunting Lawyers to Protect Her Home from Rustlers and Thieves
Texas Supreme Court Justice Blacklock: Why should the court give the lender rights it didn’t bargain for to get paid?
Gunsmoke and Legal Misfires: PHH’s Reply Misses the Mark. Hopkins Law’s Cockamamie Response Turns Legal Logic into High Noon Nonsense.
Unraveling lawyer Clay Vilt's unlawful referral fee, foreclosure defense scams and the terrifying support from state and federal authorities.
Three lauded Texas University law schools employ these academics. Despite their resumes centered on civil rights, they refuse to defend them.
This is a 1089 square foot, 1.0 bathroom, single family home. This home is located at 906 S 4th St, Bangs, TX...
Uneven Treatment: Judge Allows Longer Response Time for Opposing Party and their Counsel Despite Previous Restrictions on Pro Se Plaintiff.
Concerned with Mass's dismissal failed to follow blackletter laws, LIT recovered Dykema's motion to dismiss, uncovering a shocking secret.
Uneven Treatment: Judge Allows Longer Response Time for Opposing Party and their Counsel Despite Previous Restrictions on Pro Se Plaintiff.