The timing of the release of this 5th Circuit erie pub. opinion does not go unnoticed, as the federal court in SDTX...
Fixer Upper Homes LLC - 13231 BARROW POINT LN HOUSTON TX 77014 scheduled for nonjudicial foreclosure and 503 FLAGHOIST LN - sued...
NY: Ocwen Financial Corp., was included because it is identified in the state’s foreclosure database as the servicer for the property.
Foreclosure dismissed with prejudice. Foreclosure defense: Erick Delarue. Foreclosure Mill: Locke Lord. Removed to Judge Eskridge Court.
The judge’s mere awareness and approval of the terms of the settlement agreement do not suffice to make them part of his...
NEW YORK: The Supreme Court properly denied PHH ONITY and US Bank's time-barred motion and canceling mortgage.
Larry Preston (1947's) Connection to 5709 Langley Houston, TX 77016 Reappears: Harris County Courts Rename Him Sui Juris.
A review of legal procedures in federal court foreclosure proceedings show selective application of the laws and glossed opinions.
The lawsuit filed in Harris County District Court pro se with a purported $600,000 sales contract to Wissal Laham.
Discover Josef Lamell's battle against predatory legal tactics: at age 74, he stands against a scheme which has seen many meet untimely...
This is a state case not a federal case as the PNC v. Howard Supreme Court decision affirmed. It has no place...
As Ocwen Financial rebrands, it faces heavy criticism for its role in the most egregious abuses of home ownership rights in American...
With non-contested judicial orders of foreclosure in 2010, 2013 and 2019, the property is still owned in Feb. 2024, by Oliver and...
Ocwen PHH's egregious act was to use HAMP to POSTPONE foreclosures and add big balloon payments, NOT to help homeowners keep their...
The 3-panel 4th Circuit appeals court ruled that the Bankruptcy Code doesn’t stop the plaintiff from suing PHH Mortgage Corporation.
Intervenor Plaintiffs seek to modify the protective order so that they can access materials produced by Ocwen in this case - granted.
The deep pockets have made an appearance in Rhode Island as PHH Mortgage Corporation retain Locke Lord and 2 other law firms...
It escaped attention during Porter's rise from law professor to the state’s independent monitor and then to her election to Congress.