Mark Hopkins was known as the appellate counsel in this duo when they formed Hopkins Law, PLLC. Then there was an obvious...
Mark Hopkins enters Harris County with Elysium Portfolio LLC in this bottom feeder sale and purchase dispute between TX RE Investors.
Midfirst Bank have dumped Shelley Hopkins in favor of Nick Frame of the Wolves of Texas in recent cases, as lenders cancel...
Is it New Residential Mortgage Company LLC or New Residential Mortgage LLC? That was the question on appeal. LIT has an equally...
Private equity firm Centerbridge agreed to purchase controlling interest of Title Resources Guaranty Co. (TRG), Realogy’s ins. underwriter.
As Ocwen Financial rebrands, it faces heavy criticism for its role in the most egregious abuses of home ownership rights in American...
With non-contested judicial orders of foreclosure in 2010, 2013 and 2019, the property is still owned in Feb. 2024, by Oliver and...
Fairness in Federal Judiciary's Service and Remand Orders Questioned as Eighth Circuit Asserts Robber's Rights Trump Elderly Citizen's Needs.
This hard won Equitable Subrogation case is another Twist on Real Estate Loans and Lien Laws and which the Courts tried to...
Bandit Appellate Lawyer Mark Hopkins was relegated to second chair at Supreme Court oral argument as his case crumbled before the court.
Rogue Lawyer Shelley Hopkins of Creditor Rights Law Firm BDF Law Group, aka Hopkins Law in Austin, removes Foreclosure Defense Lawyer's suit.
When you reach 'discovery', Requests for Admissions (RFA's) are an essential tool in both state and federal court to prove your case.
The new JPN Holdings lawsuit tells a story about HOA's unlawful fines and harassment, but without a shred of evidence filed as...
Kingman Holdings LLC and Bandit Lawyer Ken Harter have resold the property - apparently - for $348k to another dubious entity on...
Maybe Shelley Hopkins can rent Gregory's Girl on Netflix for inspiration as the years fly by and hubby no. 3 is hard...
Despite the fanfare surrounding the $23 million dollar settlement by NC's AG, the real truth is Engle escaped jail due to public...
It certainly looks like a takeover at BDF Hopkins with Shelley Hopkins claiming BDF and Mark Hopkins has been relegated to Codilis.
The first lawsuit before Judge Biery ended in default judgment because no answer filed by Joyce Gordon. Newark now represents Joyce Gordon.