If the judiciary, the US gov, and the lawless State of Texas were not aiding and abetting real estate fraud, this wouldn't...
Over the 18 months, the Chief Judge of Delaware has identified potential attorney and party misconduct in dozens of related patent cases.
Midfirst consents to the entry of final orders or judgments by the Court in this adversary proceeding by freelancer bounty hunters.
This hard won Equitable Subrogation case is another Twist on Real Estate Loans and Lien Laws and which the Courts tried to...
Bandit Appellate Lawyer Mark Hopkins was relegated to second chair at Supreme Court oral argument as his case crumbled before the court.
Bob's the wingman on emergency call for Houston Grand Opera Board Member and Harvard trained Real Estate Investor Allyson Pritchett.
Anthony Hutchison systematically over-billed HISD and inflated bills for service. Ray L Shackelford is a close friend, associate and lawyer.
When you reach 'discovery', Requests for Admissions (RFA's) are an essential tool in both state and federal court to prove your case.
The 3-panel stand by the admonished Judge Lynn Hughes opinion that selling the home to Wall Street for pennies is exactly what...
Maybe Shelley Hopkins can rent Gregory's Girl on Netflix for inspiration as the years fly by and hubby no. 3 is hard...
J. Gannon Helstowski Law Firm of GannontheCannon.com, TexasCreditLaw.Com, JGHFirm.com is Not Registered with Texas OCCC.
The Texas Supreme Court hears10 percent of appealed cases. Of those cases, the high court overrules the lower court in about 80...
SDTX Federal Chief Judge Lee Rosenthal quickly disposes of the complaint against Chief Justice Hecht, and Justices Busby and Boyd, TSC.
Midwest Financial Group is one of the country’s leading purchasers and servicers of performing, sub-performing, and non-performing loans.
Ferrell v. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. has Mackie Wolf and Dykema Foreclosure Mills assigned, but we're still lookin' for Mark D. Hopkins.
Invisible foreclosure mill lawyer Mark Hopkins is joined by Shelley Hopkins and more recently Bradley Attorney Lembke in PNC Bank v Howard.
Aiding and abetting is a legal doctrine related to the guilt of someone who aids or abets another person in the commission...
Craig convinced at least six investors to invest over $1.3 million in two separate real estate investment schemes by promising high returns.