The timing of the release of this 5th Circuit erie pub. opinion does not go unnoticed, as the federal court in SDTX...
Sandy Forsythe and Justina De Pasquale of New Millennia Properties Switch out Trustees including con man Brian Brewer on Oct. 25, 2024. is the only legal investigative blog willing to detail the actual schemes in place in Texas Courts to steal citizens homes.
This scam foreclosure case is a prime example of the collusion and fraud between the courts and lawyers on both sides of...
Do you require a TRO or injunction to prevent foreclosure in Texas? No. LIT has hundreds if not thousands of cases where...
Trustee Davila, Lopez, and Leticia Ablaza demanded that HISD cancel its contract with MetroClean, and award it to Accel Building Maintenance.
Considering the nature of the Kew family medical background which includes memory and function it is lost when translated into court filings.
Judge Jim Ho for the 5th sends two certified questions to the Supreme Court about rescission: to allow clock to restart a...
The lawsuit is assigned to Outlaw in a Dirty Black Robe Judge Bobby Schaffer, who's a friend of those in the title...
Property at risk; 2617 Sam Wilson St, Houston, TX 77020. Drilling into the case by way of intervention is Dentist William Kimbrough.
And you don't have to look far to see the shady foreclosure defense lawyers involved, like Robert Clay Vilt of Vilt and...
16022 Kube Ct, Jersey Village, TX 77040 is subject to foreclosure, but she's retained Foreclosure Defense lawyer Brandy Alexander.
Despite a very detailed order of foreclosure from the Chief of Mischief, Pennymac or their rogue debt collecting agents ain't foreclosed.
Pro se Rachel Luna claims she purchased the Property at Roandale Dr, Houston, TX from two individuals, Austin and Uaychai Foster.
LIT has witnessed a decade of foreclosures. The motto on the highest court's building - Equal Justice for All - has become...