This summer, a special court of review publicly reprimanded Guy Williams for groping three female public officials at a party and issuing...
It almost brought tears to my eyes that anybody, any elected official, much less a judicial officer, would behave in such a...
The Fifth Circuit panel ruled — go read it if you don’t believe me — that Anderson had no case for retaliation...
The Special Committee determined that the subject judge had inappropriately pursued social relationships with an attorney who practices before him and with...
During the financial crisis, Banks had a well executed plan to dupe homeowners. The scheme was simple. First, start returning homeowner checks...
Everyone has targets, and so does the Fifth regarding case filings. Getting them in and out as quickly as possible is a...
Many homeowners have fought their way up to the Appellate court in Louisiana known as the US Court of Appeals Fifth Circuit...
Fifth Circuit (Texas State Appeals Court) and Judicial Misconduct of Judges Affirmed in Bill of Review Appeal