LIT's Creating Scrapbooks on Texas Senators to Show Why They Cannot Focus on the Criminal Fraud by Fellow Lawyers and Judges in...
What would Snr Judge Sam Sparks of N.D. Tex. District Court and the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit's Judge Carl...
We haven't seen much of J Patrick Sutton, foreclosure defense counsel in Austin, Texas lately. Here, he was pitched against Mark D....
LIT Takes a Look at How Foreclosure Mill BDF in Texas Has Tightened the Noose on Homeowners' Thanks to a Dishonorable Judiciary...
The district court determined that Tejero’s attorneys did not settle his lawsuit quickly enough. So the district court sanctioned them. That was...
Tim Wright, a former Williamson County court-at-law judge charged with peddling firearms smuggled into Mexico, was sentenced Friday to 18 months in...