Despite the ethical issues, Judge David Hittner ignores them and holds an annual gathering of all the top politicians and lawyers in...
The Lane Law Firm and several of its attorneys were sanctioned by Judge David Hittner for the Priester case, an erie guess,...
Quanta Storage alleges, three days after the deadline, it is unable to secure the reduced bond due to restrictions on nonessential business...
Motion to Disqualify Judge David Hittner: In short form, the current Hopkins case was prematurely ejected by Hittner due to his pervasive...
Judge David Hittner's actions are so uncivilized and unlawful, they are impeachable. He deserves to be stripped from wearing a black robe,...
Two elderly citizens, in poor health and fighting a wrongful foreclosure, are issued a 'death warrant' only 5 days after Gov. Abbott's...