Under TX Disciplinary Rules, can I be disciplined if I pay someone not licensed to practice law to solicit clients for me...
When did Deutsche Bank National Trust Company become Deutsche Mortgage Group Vilt and Associates? Let us know in the comments section.
We don't believe in client attorney privilege and client confidentiality when it's a public record, so leave that argument at the door.
It's a Real Scumbag versus another Real Scumbag in this ongoing dispute between a sanctioned lawyer and slum lord, stay tuned for...
Lawyer Michael Hord of Hirsch Westheimer removes for the second time, after doing so in Gooden's prior 2019 foreclosure case in Harris...
The CFPB took action against this reverse mortgage company for deceptive ads, claiming that consumers could not lose their homes.
Garcia an independent advocate and is a tester for the purpose of enforcing Plaintiff’s civil rights and ensuring compliance with the ADA.
Let's take this back to State court: MOTION to Remand by Jill Sweeney, Patrick Sweeney, filed. Motion Docket Date 3/18/2022.
Texas legislators are watching state cases being removed by foreclosure mills in Texas due to the ridiculous value of $75k to transfer...
The FBI prioritizes financial institution fraud because it is not a victimless crime. The Wydlers broke that trust for greed by deception.
Summary Judgment granted against the Veteran as she entered a contract which won't hold up in a court of law says Judge...