Despite the fanfare surrounding the $23 million dollar settlement by NC's AG, the real truth is Engle escaped jail due to public...
Michael Hord of Hirsch Westheimer is joined by sanctioned Texas lawyer Gregory Van Cleave and his foreclosure defense law firm
An astounding figure, since there are thousands of debt co's offering debt mgt services, debt settlement and related regulated svcs in TX.
There's another couple of lawyers in Texas operating without a State Issued Bond and License, Mark and Shelley Hopkins of Hopkins Law,...
The Non-Judicial Foreclosure Debt Collection Clarification Act would make any business involved in non-judicial foreclosure a debt collector.
A former client of Abraham Watkins forwarded a copy of an ’email blast’ which they received from Randy Sorrels and Alexandra L....
California is planning to replicate on a state level what the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was created to be, branding it the...
The consumer watchdog agency, the CFPB, has power to prohibit consumer-finance practices that are “abusive”. This is new in consumer protection laws.
Paul Clement said, the government is not asking the Supreme Court to resolve a live dispute. Instead, he said, DOJ wants the...
Yet the court did reject our judgment that lucrative market share is a ‘thing of value,’ holding that PHH could not be...
The Trump administration believes that the bureau’s lone director is unconstitutionally shielded from accountability to the president, yet the Justice Department’s final...
A leading conservative U.S. Supreme Court advocate on Wednesday urged the justices to uphold the single-director independent design of the Consumer Financial...
Leandra English: Not since the impacts of the 2008 financial crisis were realized has the need for government action on consumer protection...
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is ramping up its Anti-Consumer Policy in 2020 under Kraninger and Mulvaney as Instructed by Trumps...
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) today announced four members who will serve on the Taskforce on Federal Consumer Financial Law.
DiResta: I suspect that SCOTUS will, in fact, find the structure unconstitutional on the basis of the separation of powers. But I...
The costs for writing a petition often can range from $150,000 to $200,000, according to one top firm with a Supreme Court...
Stare decisis cannot justify adherence to an approach that Supreme Court precedent forecloses. Accordingly, we overrule Amy Travel. The decision by the...