LIT's sat back and watched as DHI's cases are all slowly removed to federal court, but DHI forfeited the right to transact...
Jan. 2024: The judges of Harris County District Courts appointed Sharon Chu Criminal Law Hearing Officer. In federal court, this happened.
As we've learned during our investigations, non-disclosure, perjury and falsifying statements is mandatory and excusable in Texas courts.
Producers in the bond business, like Muharib, enjoy the benefit of keeping the majority of the premium paid on each bond written.
Legal Bandit Anthony Shabazz Muharib and Ex-Wife Kim Muharib aka Kimberly Elam's Homestead in Sienna Point, Missouri City, Texas
LIT Continues to Unmask the Ongoing Collaboration Between Fraudulent Real Estate Operators and Complicit Court Officials Driven by Greed.
The case is assigned to Judge Jeralynn Manor. Both the proposed and signed TRO are restricted from public view.
Realtor Christa Burch is keeping busy in Harris County District Court spending her ill-gotten gains on legal counsel defending civil actions.
And by all accounts Hugh Shannonhouse has also been facing commercial landlord-tenant disputes for non-payment of rent during the Pandemic.
Who is paying Texas lawyer James Minerve's fees for this baseless and frivolous filing to stop foreclosure in Harris County District Court?
19439 Buckland Park Drive, Katy, Texas 77449 is the subject of this foreclosure proceeding removed to federal court.
1608 Saint Vincent St Gonzales TX 78629 is the property the investor Ed Melcher of San Antonio, Texas is asserting his company...
INTRA-DISTRICT TRANSFER by Clerk due to incorrect intra-district venue selected by the filer. Case is transferred to the Southern Division.
It’s early stages for Alan, who’s up against Michael F. Hord Jr and Fay Servicing in W.D. Tex Federal Court after removal...
This case clearly shows the pitfalls of hiring a lawyer who claims on his website to be a foreclosure defense lawyer. LIT...