LIT suggests the largest crime syndicate is PPP lenders and Wall Street Bankers themselves, but they will not be prosecuted for their...
Freedom of speech is being controlled by private co's like Twitter, who outsource account appeals to India. They have no clue about...
Here's a perfect example of going on the offensive with false accusations and frivolous lawsuits. Are you reading Shelley Hopkins and DOJ?
Baltimore prosecutor Marilyn Mosby federally indicted on perjury, loan and mortgage application fraud related to two Florida vacation homes.
federal grand jury in New Orleans returned an indictment today charging a city court judge with filing false tax returns.
The Department of Justice runs the National Elder Fraud Hotline at 1-833-FRAUD-11 for elders who have been financially exploited.
Yep, Just Acting Like a Lawyer, really. LIT will be watching closely at the sentence handed down in this case by the...
It is a cruel irony that those who have lost the most to the foreclosure crisis seem to be helped the least...
Eligible candidates could receive up to approximately $3.4 million in public matching funds based on qualifying contributions.
The disease of corruption and the criminality that greed produces has become the basis of our nation’s governance and its financial systems.
Cooked Up: Goodwin Procter suborned perjury from the confidential witnesses by obtaining false declarations under penalty of perjury
Deutsche Bank AG is accused of turning a blind eye to a massive Ponzi scheme that involved fraudulent real estate investments in...
John Coleman joined the CFPB just after its inception and had his hand in almost every case the agency tried. Now he's...
Judge King sat on another recent appeal panel re internet searches involving Judge Lynn Hughes who looked up a litigant's company erroneously
Fifth Circuit Clerk Gardner, with knowledge and in bad faith, entered her own fraudulent Motion upon which the 5th Cir. entered its...
The Burkes now have proof beyond a reasonable doubt of Elder Abuse in Texas Federal Courts. It's now a valid Criminal Complaint.
This Criminal Appeal re Mortgage Fraud by Staff at SunTrust Bank shows the selective nature of those chosen by the Judiciary to...
The Burkes file a motion to strike Hopkins Law's response as the motion they are objecting to is void ab initio. It...