Included in the lawsuit is Hearst Newspapers, as Houston Chronicle jointly authored the articles which Dr. Bud Frazier claims defamed him.
This is a new article. It will be updated frequently. Bookmark as LIT reviews Andrew Lehman, post CFPB settlement.
The lawsuit has been randomly assigned to regular golfer and United States District Judge Alfred Bennett and LIT's now trackin' the case.
Dishonorable Judge Mike Engelhart has been randomly assigned to the high profile case in Texas re COVID-19 and 'misinformation'.
BigLaw ReHire a Kennedy Lawyer. BigLaw are the Bully Bouncers for Wall St. and Anti-Citizens. BigLaw First to Grab Max Amount in...
In Florida, the law has long looked with disfavor on…slander actions against lawyers uttered in the due course of judicial procedure except...
Andrew Lehman and Michael Carrigan haven't got $30k never mind $3 million and that's why its a fully suspended payment. It's a...
Georgia-based class action attorney Shimshon Wexler show cause why sanctions should not be imposed for filing a frivolous appeal suing about a...
When she wasn't rocking it with her husband, Alexis Coll-Very was making a lot of noise for all the wrong reasons in...
Trevor Nikos Kocaoglan and Pablo Trejo, also argued the court should dismiss the Law Office of Chris Sanchez’s suit. They say this...
By explaining to the courts that whatever they did was done according to the Church's internal procedures, they weasel their way into...
In June 2016, Smitherman filed his fourth lawsuit in state court relating to this mortgage dispute to prevent a fourth foreclosure attempt.