After watchin' Harris County District Court grant a TRO and Outlaw Tami Craft Refused to Dissolve it, the Wolves snapped n' removed...
The suit styles Michael Van Deelen as Michael Van Deelan, but the Spring-based Van Deelen fits the personality in the petition.
Jurisdiction Dispute: Michael Van Deelen’s Objection to Bankruptcy Court's Authority Triggers Further Review
Moses came down, not from mountain Sinai, but as Chief United States Judge Alia Moses to qualify idolatry by judges n' officers...
A fraudulent foreclosure auction system enables a felon with multiple businesses to litigate repeatedly over homes he does not legally own.
As the theft of citizens homes continues in Texas courts, LIT is working relentlessly to protect the rights of homeowners nationwide.
Foreclosure mill lawyers representing the German Bank are taking advantage of elderly and widowed homeowners to circumvent the law for greed.
At least Robert Wiseman is consistent. From foreclosure defense lawyer Erick Delarue in 2518 Cleburne to Clay Vilt in 3rd Ward Holdings.
At least Robert Wiseman is consistent. From foreclosure defense lawyer Erick Delarue in 2518 Cleburne to Clay Vilt in 3rd Ward Holdings.
Michael Van Deelen retains counsel to take on the powerhouse lawyers and law firms in this high-profile federal case in Texas.
Pro se litigant Van Deelen's involvement became an irritant, an unwanted delay to the judge and lawyers thirst for financial greed.
US Bankruptcy Chief Judge David R Jones and long-term girlfriend and former law clerk, Houston lawyer Elizabeth Freeman's financial crimes.
Here's proof that Wall Street has controlled and conspired with the US Govt in the Greatest Theft of Citizens Homes in American...
Appeals Court Verdict is Vacated in Part, No Doubt to Aid the Extended Time Before these Convicted Felons Actually Report to Prison.
Anthony Hutchison systematically over-billed HISD and inflated bills for service. Ray L Shackelford is a close friend, associate and lawyer.
Judge Lauren Reeder would quash Mark Burke’s witness subpoena’s which could incriminate her, in particular the Court Reporter Norma Thieme.
Justice Department officials in Washington have taken over the corruption investigation into Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.
A former state senator and member of a powerful Arkansas political family was sentenced to 46 months for bribery and filing false...