During the middle of a trial, attorney Jack Yetiv threatened to file a disciplinary grievance against opposing counsel Bruce Wilkin unless Wilkin...
“Generally speaking, the FDCPA is a strict liability statute, which does not require the plaintiff to show that the violation was either...
An attorney is a key participant in a mortgage scheme. That’s because being able to point to a lawyer, who is sworn...
The main factors involved in sentences for extortion and blackmail charges are the amount involved, the way the threats were delivered and...
December 12, 2019; After the SCJC website deleted 11 Judge Sanctions, which is illegal, now the Texas BODA website home page is...
The ethics rules for federal judges thus affirmatively encourage the reporting of attorney misconduct and the providing of testimony in disciplinary proceedings.
Hopkins Law PLLC Does Not Hold a Surety Bond to Perform Debt Collection Services in Texas but the Texas AG refuses to...
Burke v Hopkins Complaint - State Bar of Texas and Appeal to BODA (2019)
The bank became the nation’s largest home lender by selling homes, such as Larry’s property, to itself for far below fair market...
Overseeing a case last year involving James Patrick Allen, a homeowner in Victoria, Tex., Judge Steen examined BDF Law Group's conduct in...
What recourse is available to a consumer for fraudulent or abusive collection practices? Nothing in Texas, they are pro debt collectors.
In June 2016, Smitherman filed his fourth lawsuit in state court relating to this mortgage dispute to prevent a fourth foreclosure attempt.
Ocwen, a residential mortgage servicer in Texas was ordered to cease and desist by the Texas Department of Savings and Mortgage Lending.
Shaver alleged that a servicer “was unjustly enriched by failing to apply credit default swap payments and other payments to their loan...