Ms. Burke, The Court does not accept filings by email. You must file the document in person, Lisa Edwards, Case Mgr to...
This case has now been opened with case number 4:21-cv-2591 and randomly assigned to United States District Judge Al Bennett, S.D. Tex.
Shelley Luan Hopkins adds herself to Judge Al Bennett's foreclosure case and then submits her summary judgment with attorney fees request.
Fifth Circuit Clerk Gardner, with knowledge and in bad faith, entered her own fraudulent Motion upon which the 5th Cir. entered its...
The Burkes now have proof beyond a reasonable doubt of Elder Abuse in Texas Federal Courts. It's now a valid Criminal Complaint.
LIT compares Federal District Court Discrimination Cases between African Americans in Ill. and Elder Abuse in TX. The Disparity is Alarming
The Burkes file a motion to strike Hopkins Law's response as the motion they are objecting to is void ab initio. It...
The Pot Calling the Kettle Black; Austin Creditor Rights Lawyers Mark and Shelley Hopkins of Hopkins Law impetuously project their hypocrisy.
The Burkes Wanted Certain Judges to be Shot.” – admitted liar Attorney Mark Hopkins in open court and “wanted this to end,...
Motion to Set Aside Judge Evans Order, ordering no further pleadings or motions. Court has plenary power and due process dictates otherwise.
Will this Court follow their own opinions and rules and sanction Hopkins? And refer Mark Hopkins and Shelley Hopkins to State Bar...
The court concluded that conduct is “willful” if a person acts deliberately and disregards the likely consequences of their actions, even if...
The court having considered the requests has decided that all items should be set for written submission. If after written submission the...
On April 19, 2021, the Second Court of Appeals signed an "Abatement Order" requesting the trial court to clarify whether it intended its...
McGlinchey Stafford request that Mr. Troiano be removed from the Courts E-File system and no longer receive electronic notice of any filings.
As for MERS being both a “nominee” and a “mortgagee”, the idea that a principal can be its own agent does not...
Motion to Recuse in Texas Courts: Remember, as Justice Frankfurter indicated, litigants are not helpless before usurping courts.
The Burkes filed their Petition for Rehearing en banc to allow all the active judges who are not recused and able to...