Kathleen Kane was sentenced to ten to twenty-three months in prison (plus eight months of probation) for leaking grand-jury secrets and then...
AG's of Louisiana, Indiana and Montana refer to last summer's racial justice protests as their decision not to sign onto a letter...
Judge Kathryn George told Marcie she had grave concerns about elderly Bob and Barb. The judge handed their lives over to Caring...
How low can you go. California stole money meant for victims of the financial crisis, then fought it in court for years and...
A county district judge is alleged to have used money from his campaign finance account to feed a six-figure gambling habit at...
I cannot say I’m shocked that the Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton would side with landlords said Sandy Rollins, Texas Tenants Union.
Attention must be paid to Attorney General Bill Barr and his view that a power-hungry President has unfettered control over the executive...
On mobster Bill Barr's recommendation, the dismissal of a federal prosecutor investigating matters about President Trump is both shocking and unsurprising.
Generally, the only people entitled to enforce a blank-indorsed note are those in physical possession of it, Phillips explained. However, the lost-instrument...
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has joined a lawsuit against the State Bar of Texas, but the Judge responsible is taking his...
Three Utah County prosecutors resigned recently in the middle of a misconduct investigation involving allegations they received inappropriate gifts from a defense...
The FDIC alleged that banks made untrue, misleading statements about the quality of the mortgage loans in order to sell billions worth...
It probably was not a good sign for Texas in Banister v. Davis, a technical post-conviction habeas case with potentially major ramifications,...
Barr’s view of history, including his claim that the Founders shared in any respect his vision of an unchecked president, and his...
AG Bill Barr; More recently, the Dodd-Frank Act’s creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Branch, a single-headed independent agency that functions like...
In total, Deutsche Bank and FTN have agreed to pay a total of $29.5 million into a settlement fund.
BlackRock said: The suit is really a misconceived attempt at reputation recovery by William Erbey [who is] the disgraced founder and former...
The Bureau finds that OCWEN Loan Servicing [OLS] had no authority to execute documents as an Attorney in Fact for legal entities...